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Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store

1/1 Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store

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Wichtige Informationen

Stil und Atmosphäre des Hotels

Lifeng Hotel (Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store) is located in Chaozhou City, which is a famous national historical and cultural city, a tourist city of China, a national garden city, a porcelain capital of China, and a famous wedding dress city of China. The hotel is located in the harmony Yazhu community in the south of chenqiaohan, Chaofeng Road, Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, adjacent to the pedestrian street of Xinqiao East Road, Chaozhou City. It is 500m away from Chaozhou bus station, 1km away from ximengu station, 50m away from Chaoshan airport city bus station, 10m away from high-speed railway line, 3km away from railway station, 30min away from high-speed railway station and 40min away from Chaoshan airport. There are four big state-owned banks, domestic commercial banks and financial institutions all around to provide you with convenient travel; To the center of major scenic spots in Chaozhou, the hotel is 1.5km away from Kaiyuan Temple, 2km away from Guangji Bridge (Xiangzi bridge) across Hanjiang River, 1.3km away from Chaozhou West Lake Park, 3km away from Hanwen temple, 1.7km away from Chaozhou Paifang street and Xu Fu Ma mansion, and 2km away from fenghuangzhou Park; The hotel is located in the golden area of Chaozhou City Center, 800 meters away from people's Square and gymnasium center, 1000 meters away from RT Mart supermarket and 500 meters away from Bufeng Lotus supermarket, with convenient transportation. Around the hotel, there are Chaozhou special snacks, seafood stalls, a street of special snacks, Chinese and Western restaurants, Chaofu Cantonese cuisine, Chaoshan beef, KTV, bars, leisure clubs, etc, It is a place for you to travel, play and do business.

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Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store

Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store: Lage und Enfernung

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony...

Bietet Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store Parkplätze für Gäste?

Gäste vom Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store stehen leider keine Parkmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.

Kann man im Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store frühstücken?

Leider bietet das Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store kein Frühstück für Gäste an.

Welche Vorteile hat man, wenn man das Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store über HRS bucht?

Folgende Vorteile erhalten HRS-Kunden, wenn sie das Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store buchen:

Gibt es im Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store ein Restaurant?

Das Hotel hat kein eigenes Restaurant.

Ist das Hotel barrierefrei?

Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store ist leider nicht barrierefrei.

Sind die Hotelzimmer mit einer Klimaanlage ausgestattet?

Die Hotelzimmer im Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store haben leider keine eigene Klimaanlage.

Kann man meine Buchung im Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store kostenlos stornieren?

Mit unserem Flex-Tarif können HRS-Kunden ihre Hotelbuchung immer bis 18 Uhr des Check-In-Tages kostenlos stornieren.

Mit welchen Zahlungsmethoden kann man in Chaozhou Lifeng Hotel · Chaofeng road harmony Yazhu store bezahlen?

Mit folgenden Zahlungsmittel können Sie im Hotel bezahlen:

Kann man bei einer Reise Meilen und Punkte sammeln?

Mit Ihrem myHRS Account sammeln Sie bei jeder Hotelbuchung Meilen & Punkte bei unseren Partnern ‘Miles & More’, ‘BahnBonus’. Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

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