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HRS Sterne

Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology)

1/1 Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology)

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Wichtige Informationen

Stil und Atmosphäre des Hotels

The hotel is located in Wanbailin District of Taiyuan, adjacent to Fenhe, Shanxi's mother river. It's only 8 minutes' drive from Shanxi Museum and Shanxi geological museum. Time walking is also a real "school district room", only 10 minutes away from the west campus and Berlin campus of Taiyuan University of technology, a famous university with a history of 100 years. In addition, Shanxi Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the first hospital of Medical University, Shanxi cardiovascular hospital and Taiyuan Fourth People's Hospital, the famous top three hospitals in Taiyuan, are also distributed around. The theme of the hotel is nostalgia, the environment is elegant and quiet, the theme is rich. Old elm solid wood furniture, dial telephone, retro table lamp, enamel tea cup, and different hand-painted murals in the guest room, nostalgic elements permeate the design concept of the hotel in a creative form. The hotel not only highlights the nostalgia in design, but also attaches great importance to the quality requirements of the guests. The items in the guest room are fully equipped according to the star hotel standard: a full set of solid wood furniture, 60 pieces of cotton fabric of satin, memory pillow, brand washing supplies and drinks. The hotel also has free parking, laundry, gym and meeting room for 60 people. Every detail takes into account the guests' accommodation experience!

Unter der Woche
Nicht besetzt

Am Wochenende
Nicht besetzt

Akzeptierte Zahlungsmittel

Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) akzeptiert folgende Kreditkarten:

China Union Pay Visa Mastercard

Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology)

Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology): Lage und Enfernung

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan...

Bietet Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) Parkplätze für Gäste?

Gäste vom Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) stehen leider keine Parkmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.

Kann man im Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) frühstücken?

Leider bietet das Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) kein Frühstück für Gäste an.

Welche Vorteile hat man, wenn man das Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) über HRS bucht?

Folgende Vorteile erhalten HRS-Kunden, wenn sie das Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) buchen:

Gibt es im Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) ein Restaurant?

Das Hotel hat kein eigenes Restaurant.

Ist das Hotel barrierefrei?

Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) ist leider nicht barrierefrei.

Sind die Hotelzimmer mit einer Klimaanlage ausgestattet?

Die Hotelzimmer im Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) haben leider keine eigene Klimaanlage.

Kann man meine Buchung im Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) kostenlos stornieren?

Mit unserem Flex-Tarif können HRS-Kunden ihre Hotelbuchung immer bis 18 Uhr des Check-In-Tages kostenlos stornieren.

Mit welchen Zahlungsmethoden kann man in Time to walk the nostalgic theme hotel (Taiyuan University of Technology) bezahlen?

Mit folgenden Zahlungsmittel können Sie im Hotel bezahlen:
  • China Union Pay
  • Visa
  • Mastercard

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